
随风发布于1397 次阅读
1. 用现成的方法
// ❌ imperative approach: we have to deal with internals of array iteration
let arrayNumbers = [1, 5, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9]
let sum = 0
for(let i = 0; i < arrayNumbers.length; i++) {
sum += arrayNumbers[i]
// ✅ declarative: we don't deal with internals of iteration
const arrayNumbers = [1, 5, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9]
let result = arrayNumbers.reduce((acc, v) : acc + v)
2. 参数太多不好
// ❌ too many arguments that makes it more error prone and less readable
const calculateDistance = (lat1: number, lon1: number, lat2: number, lon2: number) : {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(lat1 - lat2, 2) + Math.pow(lon1 - lon2, 2));
// ✅ creating an entity
interface Coordinate {
lat: number;
long: number;
// ✅ only two arguments which makes the method more self explanatory
const calculateDistance = (from: Coordinate, to: Coordinate) : {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow( -, 2) + Math.pow(from.long - to.long, 2));
3. 变量命名规则
// ❌ Avoid Single Letter Names
const n = 'Max';
// ✅
const name = 'Max';
// ❌ Avoid Abbreviations
const sof = 'Sunday';
// ✅
const startOfWeek = 'Sunday';
// ❌ Avoid Meaningless Names
const foo = false;
// ✅
const appInit = false;
4. 不要把所有代码挤在一个文件里,要根据应用分开
// React Root Component
const Root = () : {
// ❌ Component shouldn't know how to create the store
const store = createStore(() : ({
exercises: [],
return (
<Provider store={store}>
// fileName: store.js
// ✅ the store file is taking care of exporting and creating the store
export const store = createStore(() : ({
exercises: [],
// ✅ store is imported and component is agnostic about its details
import store from './store';
const Root = () : {
return (
// ✅ we are just using the created store
<Provider store={store}>
5. 把逻辑抽出来
// ❌ we are directly importing the implementation
import moment from 'moment';
const fetchProduct = (id: string) : {
const { createdAt, ...product } = await fetch(`/product/${id}`);
return {
// ❌ we are bound to the moment interface implementation
createdAt: moment(createdAt).toDate();
// file placed on module @foo/date
import moment from 'moment';
export const createDate = (strDate: string): Date :
// ✅ using our own abstraction and method contract
import { createDate } from '@foo/date';
const fetchProduct = (id: string) : {
const { createdAt, ...product } = await fetch(`/product/${id}`);
return {
// ✅ implementation details are unknown
createdAt: createDate(createdAt)
// file placed on module @foo/date
import { toDate } from 'date-fns'
export const createDate = (strDate: string): Date :
6. 更好的组织代码结构
// ✅ an Example on how to structure an application
| src
|-- auth
|---- index.js
|---- store.js
|---- models.js
|---- utils.js
|-- profile
|---- index.js
|---- store.js
|---- models.js
|---- utils.js
|-- payment
|---- index.js
|---- store.js
|---- models.js
|---- utils.js
|-- app.js
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