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随风 · 练气

[分享][Mac](数据库连接工具 DBeaver)

随风发布于3281 次阅读

DBeaver is free and open source universal database tool for developers and database administrators.

  • Usability is the main goal of this project, program UI is carefully designed and implemented.
  • It is free and open-source (ASL).
  • It is multiplatform.
  • It is based on opensource framework and allows writing of various extensions (plugins).
  • It supports any database having a JDBC driver.
  • It may handle any external datasource which may or may not have a JDBC driver.
  • There is a set of plugins for certain databases (MySQL, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Vertica, Informix, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis in version 3.x) and different database management utilities (e.g. ERD).
  • It has a great number of features.


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