
Egg-Authz:多模型权限管理框架 Node-Casbin 之 Egg.js 中间件
Chalin发布于3591 次阅读
Egg-Authz On GitHub is an authorization middleware for Egg, it's based on Node-Casbin
1. Installation
npm install --save egg-authz
2. Create a file in middleware directory to import the module.
// app/middleware/authz.js
module.exports = require('egg-authz')
// config/config.default.js
const { Enforcer } = require('casbin')
module.exports = {
middleware: [ 'authz' ],
authz: {
enable: true,
newEnforcer: async() : {
// load the casbin model and policy from files, database is also supported.
const enforcer = await Enforcer.newEnforcer('authz_model.conf', 'authz_policy.csv')
return enforcer
3. Enable the middleware in your config files.
How to control the access
The authorization determines a request based on {subject, object, action}
, which means what subject
can perform what action
on what object
. In this plugin, the meanings are:
: the logged-on user name -
: the URL path for the web resource like "dataset1/item1" -
: HTTP method like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, or the high-level actions you defined like "read-file", "write-blog"
For how to write authorization policy and other details, please refer to the Casbin's documentation.
Getting Help
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
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